Archiv   (Bilder)

  1942-59   1960-73   1974-79   1980-88   1989-92   1993-96   1997-2001   2002-2003

  Nachträume ("After-Dreams" or "Night-Rooms"), 44x36,5 cm  (1993-94)

  Nacht 01  Geflatter (Flutter)
  Nacht 02  Laibach
  Nacht 03  Der Auftrag (The Order)
  Nacht 04  Der Gaukler (The Jester)
  Nacht 05  Der Knabe (The Youth)
  Nacht 06  Der Steg (The Footbridge)
  Nacht 07  Die Wand (The Wall)
  Nacht 08  Das Echo (The Echo)
  Nacht 09  Zylindermann (The Man with the Top-Hat)
  Nacht 10  Die Schwestern (The Sisters)
  Nacht 11  Die Fackel (The Torch)
  Nacht 12  Die Stocherer (The Probers)
  Nacht 13  Centaura
  Nacht 14  Die Fünf (Five)
  Nacht 15  Der Gummistiefeltyp (The Man with Rubber Boots)
  Nacht 16  Der König und sein Tod (The King and his Death)